I can't imagine how long this blog been in the world wide web from the very start back in my college days when out of enthusiast and some inspiration from media up to this date. Far from the idea of consistently updating from time to time, I end up inconsistent and inactive for quite some time, but nevertheless, I'm surprised by the fact that I completed the whole year of 2009 which i made at least an entry per month. I felt satisfaction for I can look back in the future what has been aspired which is actually the purpose of blogging.
As much as I wanted to put some rantings, ramblings, photos captured, memories sharing, and all that to express my in-depth emotions/feelings, I can't help my laziness and not in the mood in supplying my page out here. As a consequence, most of my readers drastically disappeared. Well, I can't blame them coz me as well lost myself, besides, I never meant to collect followers ,beg them to drop by and hit me with some comments. But if some would mind to pay time to read, then well, thank you. Appreciate it much. All my blog here for is mainly to express who's who, who's me.
I decided to create a project365 tumblr blog. In that instance, it can be easy for me to update it daily coz it's uncomplicated. This time, I will promise to comply whatever happens...? *I hope so.
As much as I wanted to put some rantings, ramblings, photos captured, memories sharing, and all that to express my in-depth emotions/feelings, I can't help my laziness and not in the mood in supplying my page out here. As a consequence, most of my readers drastically disappeared. Well, I can't blame them coz me as well lost myself, besides, I never meant to collect followers ,beg them to drop by and hit me with some comments. But if some would mind to pay time to read, then well, thank you. Appreciate it much. All my blog here for is mainly to express who's who, who's me.
I decided to create a project365 tumblr blog. In that instance, it can be easy for me to update it daily coz it's uncomplicated. This time, I will promise to comply whatever happens...? *I hope so.