Wednesday, January 16, 2008

♥my favorite ward ^o^♥

January 17, 2008 <3:52pm>. whew!! at last my duty is over..hahaha...but not totally over...meaning to say, my duty or rotation in a specific ward is already over. i already completed 4 days of duty in that area. honestly, i will really miss that ward. i think that im attached to that ward including not only the area itself but also the staffs, patients, and the harmony that i felt during my rotation there. my co-groupmates namely karen, jecille, and reshma also think that they have a "calling" to work as a staff nurse or professional nurse in that unit. before, i used to say that i will not ever work in san juan de dios hospital coz im super immune and i want to work to some other hospital to be able to experience new one. maybe i believed that a person also needs to grow and explore new adventures!! eventually after having my duty at SVPU, i've now changed my mind. if ever i'll have a chance to work in San Juan De Dios, that would definitely be in the area of SVP...! people in there were really nice and definitely approachable. they thought us a lot of things that would help us for our future profession..! the staff nurses that handled us were mam Nilds, Sir ThomZ, Sir Josh, & Sir Arnel.they really helped to carry out nursing procedures and thought us some principles with regards to the procedures that we're going to undergo.


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